Friday 7:00PM

Awana是一個國際性、超宗派、以聖經為基礎的兒童事工,由當地教會為二歲至十八歲的兒童及青少年提供不同聚會。Awana出自新約聖經提摩太後書2:15「得蒙喜悅作無愧的工人」,是取其英文Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed的首字母縮合而成。Awana是一個全備的事工,旨在為教會提供訓練、評估營隊及主辦特別活動。
1.5 小時
1. 升旗禮及遊戲時間 – 以精采及獨特的遊戲吸引兒童參加Awana。
2. 手冊時間 – 著重背誦聖經、解釋經文,並教導兒童在日常生活中應用聖經真理。
3. 信息時間– 傳講福音信息或聖經事蹟。
LCEC adopted AWANA Club as part of our children ministry's outreach program on Friday night.
Because of Awana's vision .....
"Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth."
II Timothy 2:15
It equips Churches and Parents in raising Christ-following Kids for Life ,which is our church's commitment.
The goal of the AWANA club is to reach boys and girls with the gospel of Christ, and to train them to serve Him", which is also our church's calling.
In the Awana program you will find new friends, play exciting games, participate challenging contests, and receive memorable awards. Furthermore, you will learn about God's words, which will impact your whole life.
We have various names for different age groups. If you do not know the name of the club you are in, the following list can help you:
Cubbies– 3 and 4 year-old boys and girls
Sparks- kindergarten to 2nd grade boys and girls
T&T (True &Train)- 3rd to 6th grade boys and girls